Thursday 9 June 2011

Aleyna Sun Kissed Range

I was delighted to review some of the new Aleyna 'Sun Kissed' range to review. This is what I thought...

Aleyna Sun Kissed Tomatoes
I loved these - before I say anything else, I have to say that... They are SO delicious. They are sun ripened and slow roasted tomatoes - they are deliciously sweet and succulent and very flavoursome and juicy. I ate some straight out of the jar and they really are supremely delicious. My husband tried them too and really enjoyed them.

Aleyna Sun Kissed Peppers
In general, I wouldn't eat peppers on their own - I can only generally tolerate them as an ingredient in different foods, so I was pleasantly surprised when tasting these as I thought they were very nice. Although I preferred the tomatoes in the range, I very much liked these peppers too. Again, they are slow roasted and are very soft, succulent and tasty. They also have a touch of oregano and garlic which just intensifies their delicious taste. As with the tomatoes, I tasted these peppers straight out of the jar too. My husband really enjoyed these and I had to take them away from him quickly to stop him eating the whole jar!

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